Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010 Chariots of Fire-The Season Finale

On Friday, October 1, 2010 Sharon and I attended our last outdoor boot camp for the season. Ryan was our instructor. I really wanted to turn over and go back to sleep but I got up at 4:30 and away we went.

It was cold Friday morning but not nearly as cold as it had been recently. I wore my sweats over my workout shorts just in case. Our warm up took place in the parking lot. It was short and sweet. Then we gathered outside the shelter for what Ryan called his “leg busters”. We did a couple rotations of wall sits, star jumps, and hopping on one foot. Then we went inside and did these skiiers, tube pulls across the body, deltoid lifts and then some squat pulses with medicine ball throws.

After a couple of rotations with these we did some one legged squats with some goofy jumping jacks. They did indeed look really silly but they did work you out.

Finally we went outside for chariots or, as Ryan calls them, “Chariots of Fire”.

We went into groups of 3. The first person in line ran, the second pulled, and the third did burpees. Then we would switch. I had to check with the person I was holding to make sure I didn't pull too hard. Sharon was the partner that had to hold on when I ran. Unfortunately, she said I was too strong for her and she couldn't pull me back enough to challenge me. So, just to be helpful, she called Ryan over and he became the person that pulled me back. He didn't pull as hard as he could so I was still able to run somewhat.

To finish our workout we did 5 tricep presses followed by 5 push ups. We did as many as we could within the given time frame. Sharon said it was a really good workout, and it was, but my legs felt really good after.

Fast forward to today. Ouch, I could still really feel the leg busters. My hamstrings were especially sore but quads hurt too. Unfortunately we also had to do our final cardio test today. Lessons learned from that: running with a group definitely helps, the hill looks much harder to run in the midst of morning, definitely warm up before starting and when Ryan says leg busters, he's serious.

Sharon and I did run the hill and we both improved. Sharon improved by 35 seconds and I improved by 32. That means I finished in under 4 minutes. That was my goal so good for me!

Well, tomorrow we start indoor boot camp. Excited to see what new challenges has in store for us.

Have a good one.


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