Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010 Double Duty

This morning was cold. Really cold! I decided to wear sweat pants as well as my hoodie to boot camp. Got off to a rough start though. After locking the door I couldn't find my keys. We finally had to leave with me keyless. I was not a happy camper. We had to leave so we wouldn't be late. We did not want to do extra push-ups this morning for tardiness. Luckily, when we got to camp I found my keys. They had dropped into my lunch bag.
We did a parking lot workout today so we could exercise where it was lit. There seemed to be a lot of people this morning. People were lined up along the curb and the line seemed to go on a ways. We put our mats down at one end of the parking lot but had to move them so that we were all closer together.
After our warm up Dustin told us we would break into 2 groups. One group would do core work with mild strength training while the other did chariots. Chariots! I didn't mind but Sharon said "We just did these on Friday!" Sharon is not a fan of chariot races. Our group got to do core first and then we would do the chariots. I noticed someone pull into the lot late and thought, "Uh-oh, extra push-ups for someone." Well, someone got a little something extra all right but little did I know it would be me. While we started our core, Dustin discovered that someone had indeed arrived late. He had already divided the group evenly so everyone had a partner and now he had one extra. While I was doing my sit-ups with a dumb bell press across the body, Dustin told me that I would be doing 2 people. Yikes. Extra cardio I thought. 2 trips down and back. First with Sharon and then the other person. I thought that was kind of odd since there were 3 of us I thought maybe we could just do a rotation but I figured I'd just do what he wanted. Well, when it came time for us to do our chariot racing I learned I had figured it all wrong! I put the tubing around 2 different people while they ran across. Then on the way back they both held the tubing while I ran across! That was quite the challenge for me. But, yay, I did it. However when we went back to the core work I found it to be extremely difficult now. Then we had to do the tubing again, but backwards. We finished with a run across backward, and then came back forward. I was almost done, turned to Sharon and said, "At least we won't have to do the hill now."
"When you are done, take a water break, and then sprint across the field and up to the top of the hill," Dustin said. I literally almost stopped in my tracks! After the tubing I didn't know if I could walk, let alone run to the top of the hill. My sprint became a walk across the field and then I tried to run when I got there. I made it about 1/3 of the way and then had to walk the next 1/3. When I was almost to where Dustin was standing I started to sprint. He encouraged me and even ran with me so I kept pushing. The people at the top were also calling to me and encouraging me so I did make it finally. I didn't care that I was second to the last. I just wanted to get there. We walked back down and slowly sprinted across the field and back to the shelter. We were finished.
I found that on our way to the Princeton Club to shower my legs were shaking. They did this all the way down the stairs and to the locker room. I also felt like I had no strength in my arms. The shower helped a great deal and I'm feeling pretty good now.
That was quite the workout for me but I liked the challenge. I was disappointed that I walked a third of the hill but my legs wouldn't listen to me. Got so much more to work on I guess. Always a work in progress.
Have a good one.

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