Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010 A New Discovery!

Late night last night. Stayed up late trying to finish laundry, reburn some CD's, and do some dishes. Then Elijah woke me up at 2:30 am! Everything got accomplished but paying the price for it this morning.

Morning did come way too early and almost skipped my workout. I have a long drive tonight and really didn't want to be too tired but Sharon had a conference this morning that she couldn't be late for so we decided to just go to camp. I was so out of it that when we got there I was a little confused. The shelter we usually use for rain was lit up. I thought it was our regular one so when Sharon moved to park I couldn't figure out why she was parking so far away. Finally I figured it out.

Smilin' Ryan was our instuctor today. He had us take our weights with us on our warm ups. We did some lunge walks and then ran some. We then used the weights and rotated them over our heads and then touched down bt the opposiet leg. This was the exercise we were doing when Sharon hurt her back last time. She was very careful this time and all was should. We also did some squats "under the rope" and jumps "over the rope", some push ups, and some side steps. All these really got the heart rate going and warmed up the muscles.

We went back to the shelter for our stations. We did an agility drill using the picnic table benches, some 180 degree jump turns, medicine ball work against the wall and then some deltoid presses. We had a break and then did it all again. When we finished the second time we didn't get a break. We had to go into tricep dips, slow count pushups, and more tricep dips. Then a water break.

The rest of the workout took place outdoors. Core work. We started with planks, then moved to swimmers. We then turned over and did penguins where we shifted side to side trying to touch our feet. Then we did side planks with a twist. Finally we performed russian twists and then V-sits. But we had to keep doing this. Russian twists, switch to V-sits, russian twists, v-sits, russian twists, v-steps! I didn't think this would ever end!

We finished with some cardio. Again we used the medicine ball. We didn't actually thow it but we quickly took the ball out and in (keeping it at chest level). We also used the jump ropes and ran through the ladder, lifting one knee high and then switching to the other. Yay. The End.

My new discovery for myself, which was very encouraging, is that I find I am now trying to get those extra reps at the end of a count. In the past, when the instructor would start counting down I would slow way down so I wasn't quitting but I wasn't doing as many. Now, when they start counting down I try to push myself harder so that I can fit in a few more before we change.
Another example was today when we were doing penguins. For a penguin we just lie on our backs with our legs in the air. Then we shift at the waist bringing down our arms towards our feet. Ryan told us to try and touch the sides of our foot as we did this. I could do it but I thought, "Maybe I should just bring my knees in a bit. My feet would be closer and this would be easier!" Tempting thought but I didn't do it. So, to me, all this is progress. I am becoming more willing to exert a little more pressure to myself in order to improve my fitness level.

Have a good one and Go Blue!

Have a good day.


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