Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010 Storms Aplenty

Woke up this morning and it seemed especially dark. It's been staying darker longer so that makes it harder to get up at 4:45 am but I'm still getting up.

Lots of storms last night. I was worried about Elijah because he was camping overnight during all this. He called before he went to bed though and he was fine. So when I woke up this morning I was wondering if there would be boot camp or not. It wasn't raining or anything anymore so Sharon and I got up and went. On the way it started to rain and then suddenly the sky was lit up by lightning. We questioned whether or not to continue but pushed on. Then it did it again, really big. Scary big. We really should have turned around, but since we were up, we decided to at least go to the park shelter and see if anyone else would come to class.

When we got to the shelter, sure enough, other people were there as well as the instructor. The rain had slowed down to a drizzle now, and the lightning stopped. I was glad there was camp so that I wouldn't have to go back to the club to exercise later.

The shelter workout was tough. What else is new? I'm still amazed at how easy the exercises look but they are far from easy. There were about 8 different stations. One of the hardest was for the quads. It was constant, brought up your heart rate, and killed the legs. We also did work for our biceps, abs, triceps, speed and agility, lats, and deltoids. Somehow we managed to miss 2 stations though. And not on purpose! Then we had to run a sprint around the parking lot. Dustin told me to take longer strides. I laughed to myself because with these short legs, my stride wasn't getting any longer. I remember having to take four steps to other guys two steps when racing in school. But I made it around in okay time, and then did all the stations again, this time doing all of them.

To finish, we got to choose our favorite 5 stations to do one more time. Once it was ruled out that water break was not one of the stations it was so hard to choose a favorite among all of those stations. I thought about not doing any so as not to play favorites but we did manage to choose 5. Then we did some stretching and it was time to go home! Poor Sharon. When the humidity gets bad I get so sweaty and stinky. Really stinky. I think Sharon is tempted to go in 2 cars on these days. But as gross as I am, I love it! It's awesome! I love really feeling and showing how hard I've worked.

Once home Sharon immediately started working on making a trifle cake for Brenna's 17th birthday. I wanted to get in the shower but Brenna was in there so I changed shirts and started sorting the laundry for the day.

Later, when we picked up Elijah, he told us camping in the rain was great and much more fun than camping when it wasn't raining. He also asked if we couldn't somehow put a mud slide in our yard.

Have a good weekend.


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