Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010 Back to School

Well summertime is over and back to school. This was the first time that I would have to go to work after morning boot camp. How appropriate that we did the playground workout today.

It was a humid morning. Very humid and, once again, buggy. Sharon and I arrived fairly early and brought over our weights and mats. Since we were so early we placed them for all to use during our different stations. No Stanley today so Dustin did our warmup. It was the standard warmup except that at one point we made a circle around Dustin. He would tell us what to do and we would work our way in towards him and then back out. It had to be a pretty scary sight to see all these people heading in toward you at 5:30 in the morning.

I really tried to push myself during the stations. One of the first stations for us (we were in groups of 3) was jumping over these little upside down U like shapes. One was higher than the other two and I got that one. I laughed because there was no way these short legs was going to make it over those very easily. I tried but it was extremely difficult to keep both legs together and jump over. It turned out Sharon couldn't do this one because of her back so I got to move to a lower one. I could handle this one pretty well so now I have to work my way back up to the higher stake.

At the pull up station I could still only do one so I worked really hard at holding myself up and lowering myself back down as slowly as I could. It was tough. Boy do I have a long way to go!
The first rotation wasn't so bad overall.

For cardio we went to the tennis courts. Using our birth dates as a guide one group did a wall sit while the other groups sprinted across the tennis court twice. I went all out on the sprint and made a pretty good showing for myself. Uh-oh. We had to do it again. Not so great on the sprint on the second try. Gotta work on that endurance. But I did go all out again, just didn't have that much left to give! But, on the plus side, no hill today!

This really showed in the next rotation around the playground. It was much harder this time. My legs were tired which made balancing on one foot difficult. My upper body was also tired. However, I kept telling myself to keep going. If I let myself rest for a second I told myself to get going again. Sharon said that was good. It showed my determination. I don't know about that but I want to keep improving.

After our workout we went to the Princeton Club to shower before school. I was glad to see that I worked so hard that my arms were still shaking while I was showering. Sharon said hers were too. So, we either worked out really hard or we're just old.

I did manage to stay awake all through school. Our in-service wasn't too bad and the afternoon was very entertaining and enlightening. Luckily I still had energy when I got home because Elijah (my 13 year old) wanted me to play the basketball game HORSE with him. Then we played a couple games where we each of us took 10 free throws to see who could hit the most, next we played 5 games of UNO, then I ushered him into the shower, and finally we watched the second half of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I also went on a drive with Brenna, my newly licensed daughter, to make sure she knew which route to take when she drove to school. We also drove to Stoughton (about 1/2 hour away) so that Kristan, my niece, could make me look not so old. Finally I came home and watched Dance Your Ass Off (yay, LaToya won!).

I have found that boot camp has increased my energy and I guess that's showing today. We'll see how things go once the students are actually here.

Have a good one!


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