Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday, August 13-Injury at Boot Camp

Well, as expected if you are superstitious, Friday the 13th brought us some good luck, some bad luck, and the sort of bizarre.

The good luck was that the morning wasn't overly hot and humid. There was a nice little breeze that really did help keep the mosquitoes away at boot camp. Sharon and I woke up earlier than usual so we got to Elver Park before anyone except Ryan today. We had time to get our stuff together, douse ourselves in OFF and visit with other participants and Ryan before class started. So every thing was going well. Ryan told us we needed one dumbbell to use during the warm up. We jogged with our weight to an area near the water and did some of our exercises. This is where the bad luck comes in.

Do you remember the part in the Wizard of Oz where the Tim Woodman is talking about how he happened to be rusted there in the forest? He was chopping wood when it started to rain and he was rusted and stuck there. Well that's the kind of thing that happened to Sharon. We were lifting a weight across our body in kind of a chopping motion. Suddenly poor Sharon was moving away in pain. She hurt her back somehow. Ryan our instructor reacted immediately. He came over and helped her and gave her instruction as to what to do. Needless to say poor Sharon was done for the day. She could barely walk back to the shelter. I, being the selfless good Samaritan that I am, offered to take her home immediately and forgo my workout for the day. Dang that Sharon. She was even more selfless and insisted I stay. What a gal! So she sat and waved at me while I did push ups, ran up and down the hill, did high knee lifts, V-sit ups, in and outs, shoulder presses, tricep dips, etc., etc., and generally became a sweaty, smelly mess. In all honesty I know she wanted to be out there with me becoming a sweaty mess but it wasn't to be. Sharon will be out of commission for a little while. The chiropractor said she cannot come back to boot camp until she is totally pain free. Unfortunately, if that was me, it would mean I could not come back until the kids moved out :)

Finally, I found it just a little bizarre that I was driving around today with the heat in the car on. It was pouring out when I went to pick up Elijah from camp. I drove into the parking lot and could see that the kids were in the shelter. I was debating what to do. There isn't a real path up to the shelter to drive on but I could see a parking lot for the Hoyt Building that wasa nearer to the shelter. I also had a poncho that we use for rainy football games in the back that I thought might help. But, before I had a chance to do any of these things I saw Elijah coming down the hill, gym bag in one hand, pillow in the other, and his sleeping bag hanging around his neck. He just walked down calmly like it was the most pleasant day of the week. I got out to help him and he just yells, "Hi Dad!" Since he seemed totally in control I just put up the hatch and waited underneath it until he reached me. We loaded everything into the back and then he got in to go home. On our way, he seemed pretty chilled since he was soaking wet so I turned on the heat for him. Elijah said that it felt really good so we drove home that way. I just thought how weird it was, that after this terribly uncomfortable hot, humid week I was driving around with the heat on.

Oh, well, hope you have a more uneventful Friday the 13th than we did
Have a good one.


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