Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, Nov 11, 2010 To the Core

Yesterday was a strong core workout. We got a relief from too much arm work because so many people were still sort from the bar workout on Monday.
When we started class I noticed there was not too much equipment out so I thought, "Oh, no, the treadmill." Luckily I was in a for a nice surprise when Dustin said he wanted to take advantage of the nice weather while we had it and took us outside for some cardio. We broke off into groups of three and ran a kind of relay. We weren't racing each other but just needed to push ourselves the best we could. While you were running you were supposed to carry a 15 lb. weight over your head. Had to be careful not to drop it or carry it to low or you would get a nice little bump on your head! It was still somewhat dark outside too so also wanted to be careful not to fall. That would hurt and be kind of embarassing. After the relays we did some regular sprinting. I find that I really enjoy that as long as I'm not tackling some huge incline!
Inside we worked with partners. We did some things alone like one person doing a leg pendulum with the stability ball while the other did crunches with weights. We also did some cool partner things like one person staying in the plank position while the other did pushups off their back. Unfortunately Sharon had a really sore back yesterday so I had to do this off the stability ball. That can be pretty challenging though. I've done it as an instructor though so I was able to push myself. We also did side planks where our partner held us up by both legs and then by one leg while we had to hold the other up. That was very hard. I had to use one hand to help support though. I really wanted to be careful of Sharon's back.
It was a very good workout. I laughed because Dustin said it probably wasn't as intense a workout as we usually do and we probably weren't as sweaty...but I was drenched and Sharon was sweatier than usual so I think it was pretty darn good!
Have a good one.

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