Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010 Dustin on my Mind

My wife Sharon once told Dustin about a boot camp dream she had. He told her he was starting to get into her mind. Guess what? He does that. He gets in your mind and pushes you to really give what you can.

Sunday was sunny and a little cold. Sharon and I decided to go ahead and do our cardio test. Elijah timed for us. When I started off I told myself Dustin says only to go about 70-80% of my maximum here. Then I really tried to push myself on the hill. Dang that Ryan for his leg busters. I could really feel it on the legs. Still I kept pushing. I tried to remember what Dustin said about leaning into the hill, use my arms, and don't walk. That last part didn't work, and much to my surprise, I walked. Not long though. I was just about where the hill flattened out. Dang those leg busters! Then there's Dustin telling me, Don't walk. Keep moving. So I started moving again. I got to the fence and started down. Scary but I said, "Don't hold back. Keep going." Then I reached the flat end and really tried to kick it. I kept going, pushing myself as fast as I could. I beat my last time by 32 seconds. If only I hadn't walked!

Today was our first indoor boot camp. It was held at Supreme Health and Fitness. We did a barbell heavy workout. When we set up we were told to put either 2 or 3 weights on each end of the barbell. I was only going to put on two. Then I said to myself, "Dustin will never let you get away with that." So I added the third. Later, as part of a rotation, we had to jump up onto a step lifted on risers. I picked a medium height. I didn't go for the lowest, or the highest because it seemed to me my legs were too short. Again, Dustin didn't let me get away with that. He told me that was too easy and moved me over to the highest one. I really didn't think I could hop up there but I did. The second part of that rotation was sitting on the step and moving to a standing position using only one leg. I was ready to start and Dustin moved me again. This time I had to go to the lower step because the higher step was too easy! I guess whatever Dustin challenges us with I might as well try the hardest level because he's going to probably move me there anyways! Except I cannot do a plank on the ball with one leg up in the air. My balance isn't there yet. I also will continue to be careful with weight because I know you should never sacrifice form to increase weight.

Our first indoor workout was really challenging. I know I'll be sore tomorrow because of those barbell roll outs we did for our abs. I've done those before and it always leaves me sore.

On my non-boot camp workout days I'm going to try and keep Dustin's challenges on my mind so I continue to push myself to get better. At the end of October I'm going to be 49 even though I know I look nowhere near that :) And you know the saying, "You're not getting older, you're getting better."

Have a good one.


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