Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010 Chariot Races

Today was the workout Sharon said she had been dreading. With good reason too. It was really hard!
Even the warm up was hard.

We did our workout on the tennis court today. We started with slow sprints across the tennis courts that rapidly became faster sprints. We ran forward, did karaokes (the exercise, not the singing), and side shuffles. When we were finished we did the chariot workout.

We broke into two groups, partnered up and then took two sets of tubing. One person wrapped the tubing around their waist while the other pulled back as hard as they could, providing as much resistance as possible. The lead person then ran across the tennis court. Once there we switched and ran back and repeated. Not as easy as it sounds believe me! We also had to do this while doing frog hops, side shuffles, and running backwards. We also had a great deal of leg work built into our stations while the other group was taking their turn. We did quick squats, lunges with bicep curls, backward lunges with deltoid presses and one legged dead lifts . We also did push ups while our partner provided resistance, regular push-ups, russian twists with a chest press, swimmers, and held a crunch position while the bottom half did squirms. It was a great workout but it was a workout!

Dustin asked me if we went to the Michigan game this weekend. I said no be we watched it. He thought I said we lost. Boy did Sharon jump in quick to correct him on that. The other people in the class laughed and also corrected him, telling him I said I watched it!

Today was a real example of why I like boot camp. It was challenging but everyone was so enthusiastic and happy. So much effort and pushing each other and it was 5:30 in the morning! I hope it is as fun when we move inside.

Have a good one!


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