Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010 I Did It!

"Yo, Adrian, I did it!" After feeling like I hit the wall on Friday, I made it all the way up the hill without stopping today. Felt just like Rocky, except didn't have the energy to jump up and down at the top like he did. Would have liked a little musical montage to accompany me as well but you can't have everything.

I taught at Princeton East yesterday and thought it went pretty well. Later Sharon told me that we did a lot of legs which I hadn't realized. I realized it today though. Must have done a great deal with the upper body too because my chest has been very sore all day.

Today at boot camp we did a group of exercises designed to help us for the test we will do on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll do better then than I did today because it was exhausting and I kind of sucked. My upper body wasn't really too bad but the darn legs were tired. Usually I like to have a day off between strength type training but no such luck here. Since I had to teach yesterday, and I don't want to cheat the members who come to my class, I went full out which left me a less than 100% today.

Yay! Our first practice was the hill. We sprinted across the field to the bottom of the hill and then went back to the beginning and did it again. Each time we were only supposed to go about 70% and that's what I did. I knew I would need all my energy to get to the top. When we started up the hill I just tried to remember what I'd been told. "Lean in to the hill, use the arms, keep breathing," and I did all those things. I kept closely behind this woman named Jane because she is an inspiration to me. She gets all the way to the top of the hill, can go down and do it again. We were partners previously and were pretty evenly matched so I figured if I could stay close to her maybe I could finish. I could not believe when I got to the flat part of the hill near the fence. I wanted to walk now that I was there but wouldn't let myself. I just kept telling myself that I could finish and I did. I did it! I did it! By the way, there was no problem with the "keep breathing" part. I think Dustin could probably hear me breathing from way at the bottom of the hill.

Next we broke into two groups, one that did wall sits while the other did things like push ups, push up holds, front and side planks. The legs got me here. Even on the push ups, I usually have more problems with the arms but today it was all about the legs. The wall sit killed. At one point we were sitting when Dustin shouted "halfway there" when I thought we were done. I said "S**t!" and the people next to me started to laugh. And that was only the first time through. We had to do it 4 times. I laughed too when, during the 4th time, Dustin announced "15 more seconds" and the lady next to meet let go with the F-bomb. The wall sit seems easy but no way. A couple people next to me were so encouraging. When they could see I was getting tired they would tell me, "you can do it" which is great to hear. And I learned that it doesn't help at all to stand up and stretch out the legs for a couple seconds. Only makes it worst.

To finish, we broke down the burpees and then had to do some suicides and strength training. Quite honestly I did not think I would be able to do more. But we did. I ran all the way through my suicides, did it all the way. The only bad part was at the end, when we got to run to the fence and then walk back I took so long that I didn't get to walk! I had to sprint it on in. The strength training part was not too bad but I was glad when we were done with deltoid work. That's always hard.

Well, on Wednesday I've gotta go all out and see if I have improved over where I was seven weeks ago. Hopefully I have some good progress to show!

Have a good one.


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