Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010 Humid and Buggy

First let me say I hate mosquitoes. Hate them, hate them, hate them. Unfortunately they seem to love me. This morning was again very humid but for the first time (for me anyways) the darn mosquitoes really seemed to be out. I stopped a few times to either try to swat them away or to itch. As much as I don't like doing it I'm going to have to start wearing some insect repellent in the morning, just in case.

Today was another killer day on the hill. We first ran up the hill for about 20 seconds, dropped our cone, and then came back down. After that the amount of time was changed and we were supposed to try to reach or pass our cone. Finally we took a few turns running up the hill backwards. Man does that work the quads! By the way, this boot camp is really working the quads. I cannot believe how toned they are getting and they really didn't seem in bad shape before.

We returned to the shelter for our strength training. We worked in groups of three. We did one station for abs, one station weights, and one station cardio. We did things like side planks with a twist, swimmers, alternating deltoid presses, squat thrusts, rows, and more. When you are watching these things, it really doesn't look too hard. When you actually do them, with the addition of the energy you just expended on the hill, it is really hard. Then we had to sprint one last time over to the fence by the hill and back. I was tired but I made it all the way there and back without walking. Yay for me! We were done. I thought. Nope. Now we had to partner up for some push downs for the abs and some partner push ups. I had to bed my knees a bit for the push downs because my back was bugging me (how appropriate) some and by the time we got to the push ups I just did what I could. Again, though, I feel like I left everything I had out there. But then there was some more. We had to do some one legged hip lifts. That however really was the end.

We finished in a circle where people shared their successes so far. It was really impressive to hear what people are accomplishing. I'm surprised that I've been able to get myself up and there. People who know me know that I am not a morning person (unless getting up to go to a football game in Ann Arbor) so this is quite the feat. And I'm enjoying it too. It has been a great way to start off the day. Oooh but on Friday, Ryan.


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